Uintah FFA Greenhand Degree Application Form is in The AET. Uintah FFA Chapter Degree Application Form is in The AET. Star Greenhand Application State and National Proficiency Award Applications Requirements to letter in FFA at Uintah High
Tips for Being a Quality Candidate for Uintah FFA Awards and Honors
If you are considering applying for a National, State or Local FFA Scholarship, UHS Agriculture Sterling Scholar or for a Uintah FFA Chapter Officer position you should carefully consider the following: To be a quality candidate for any of these honors you should be highly involved in FFA. Here is an example of what would make you a strong candidate.
Be as active of a FFA member as possible. Come to every activity, help set-up, take-down and plan the activities. Demonstrate your commitment to FFA, your willingness to learn and dependability.
Compete in more than one CDE. Those who are actively involved in CDE’s are better preparing themselves for their futures.
Serve as a chapter officer and on chapter committees.
Have a good SAE and a quality, updated record book. Your record book will need to be turned in as part of FFA scholarship applications.
Attend the leadership conferences available for chapter members, especially ULC and State Convention. WLC if possible.
Obtain the highest degree possible in FFA. Seniors should be earning the Utah FFA Degree and applying to get it.
Be enrolled in and complete many Ag classes. Those in the classes know what’s going on and are more involved. This also indicates a strong interest in an agricultural related career. You must have taken at least six Ag classes to qualify for the Utah FFA Degree, two of those can count as Summer Ag Science.
Participate actively in all fundraisers – actually sell and participate in the fundraisers.
FFA is a program and to be considered for these honors you should be actively committed and involved in most all we do. A partial commitment is not going to earn you the scholarships and honors FFA has to offer.