SAE Decriptions: What is an SAE Project? All students enrolled in an agricultural course are required to maintain a Supervised Agriculture Experience Project. (SAE) This program consists of all agricultural activities of educational value conducted by the student outside of class. Systematic instruction and supervision is provided for this program through the agricultural science teacher, parents, employers, or other adults. A specific unit describing SAE, its purpose and design will be taught in all agricultural science classes.
This type of experiential learning is the “hands-on” portion of the total agricultural education program. The SAE program is designed and carried out by the student with the support of the parent and the supervision of the agriculture teacher and/or employer.
-SAE stands for Supervised Agricultural Experience -SAE is a project chosen and carried out by agriculture students. -The project should expand and grow each year. -Projects can be small and simple or more complex, but should ideally reflect the future career interests or hobbies of the students.
Having an SAE is essential for you to succeed in the agricultural education program and the National FFA Organization!